How to Teach Child to Read Quran

Teaching Quran to children is a very important duty of all Muslims. In fact, children are able to learn the Quran much more easily than adults considering they are more talented. In reality, scientists accept proven this fact that learning is easier for children, especially if it is language.

Therefore, nosotros must all try to teach our children the Quran so that they can benefit from it all the way until their adulthood. Besides the reward that it will take for us who teach information technology to them, they will too receive great advantage as they become fond of the Quran. So becoming fond of the Quran is also a major goal that we must pursue because it will brand us better Muslims and believers. This education includes reading and understanding the Quran.

  1. Who Should Teach the Quran to Children?
  2. How Should Yous Begin …
  3. Memorization of the Quran for Children
  4. At What Historic period Should Children Learn the Quran?
  5. At What Age Should Children Outset Learning to Read the Quran?
  6. Learning Quranic Concepts for Children
  7. Learning to Recite the Quran Melodiously for Children
  8. Conclusion

Who Should Teach the Quran to Children?

Yous might ask: Who should teach my child the Quran? Well, it is very of import that we ourselves know how to read the Quran . Still, sometimes we just do not know the correct method of didactics how to read the Quran to our children. At that place are actually 3 means of doing it:

  1. Having your children heed to the recitations of famous reciters a lot at home, especially in the murattal style
  2. Enrolling your children in Quran classes that have a good instructor
  3. Enrolling in authentic online Quran courses.

Listening to the Quran recited by proficient reciters is vital for learning to read and memorize the Quran. Think of information technology as linguistic communication learning. When you want to learn a new language, you must listen a lot to that language much more than you even try to speak it. In fact, in this way yous will learn to read and speak that linguistic communication. The same holds true with respect to the Quran.

How Should Y'all Brainstorm …

If you wish to teach your child to read and/or memorize the Quran yourself, there are sure steps that you should take. To explicate, you lot must start with the nuts of reading Quran and the Arabic language such as the alphabet. In other words, y'all should teach your kid the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet along with the sounds they make. In the mean time, yous should take them mind to the recitation of short surahs that are piece of cake to read and memorize that are in the concluding juz of the Quran .

The audio of these recitations tin can hands be found on the Internet. Afterwards, you must teach the child the vowels and the sounds they make. Then comes education other more than advanced elements such as shaddah (شَدَّة), madd (مَدّ), sukūn (سُکون), ishbā' (اشباع), and iltiqā of sākinayn (إلتِقاءُ الساکِنَين). However, this method is provided your child is at least ten to twelve years old.

Memorization of the Quran for Children

Undoubtedly, children have a better retentivity and ability to memorize things than adults. Therefore, what not meliorate than having them memorize the words of God? Children can hands memorize surahs of the Quran. For this purpose, information technology is recommended that they begin memorizing the short surahs of juz 30, the final juz of the Quran. There is a very fascinating narration from 1 of our Imams that reads:

مَن قَرَا القُرآن و هو شابٌّ مُؤمِنٌ ، اختَلَطَ القُرآنُ بلَحمِهِ و دَمِهِ.

"Whoever recites the Quran while he is a believing youth, the Quran will mingle with his mankind and blood." 1

Therefore, we should all try to read, recite, and memorize the Quran while we are however young and teach it to our children besides so that the Quran becomes role of us.

Teaching Quran for Children

At What Age Should Children Learn the Quran?

As for the age that a kid can acquire the Quran, generally it is at the time when they have started speaking or a while afterwards it. Optimally, ane can teach children starting from age four or five. Try to teach them short and well-known surahs such as surah Ikhlas , surah Fātiḥah , or surah Nās . In fact, what you lot must do is slowly repeating each poesy of the surah and asking the child to repeat later you. In this way, the child will memorize the surah and it will become easier for him to learn the Quran when grows older.

The 10 Steps to Educational activity Children to Recite the Quran

If your child has just begun speaking in your linguistic communication, it is a good time to begin working Quran with him/her. Nosotros are assuming that your child is five or half-dozen years old. Follow the following steps to teach your child to recite and memorize the Quran:

  1. Attempt to discover a suitable time to gather with your child.
  2. Make sure your kid is not tired and his stomach is full and he is not sleepy.
  3. Tell him that you desire to teach him something very prissy.
  4. Recite the bismillah slowly, syllable past syllable and inquire your child to repeat afterwards you.
  5. After your child has learned how to say bismillah, begin with the easiest surah to memorize, that is, surah Ikhlas.
  6. Like step four, read the commencement verse of the surah syllable by syllable and ask your kid to repeat after you.
  7. Keep doing this until the surah is finished.
  8. Encourage your kid to learn to recite the Quran by promising to give him a nowadays, for instance, if he learns the Quran.
  9. Proceed on practicing with him with the same surah.
  10. Now is the time to move on to other surahs using the same steps.

At What Age Should Children Offset Learning to Read the Quran?

Usually, information technology is time for a child to acquire reading the Quran at the same time that he goes to school and learns reading and writing in his own language. That would be historic period seven. At this stage, it is time for learning the Arabic alphabet along with the sounds that they make. Then, it is fourth dimension for learning the short and long vowels equally well as the other things that 1 needs to learn for reading the Quran.

Teaching Quran for Children

Ten Steps to Teaching Reading of the Quran to Children

By following these steps, you will exist able to teach your children how to read the Quran:

  1. Commencement with having them memorize the alphabet and the audio that each alphabetic character makes.
  2. Teach them the brusk vowels, fatḥah, kasrah, and ḍammah.
  3. Do the alphabet and the curt vowels together.
  4. Practise with your child pronunciation of all the messages in the alphabet with each brusk vowel.
  5. Now it is fourth dimension for learning the long vowels, alif, yā, and wāw al-madd.
  6. Tell them they are similar short vowels but their sound is doubled
  7. Practice the alphabet with a combination of both short and long vowels.
  8. Teach them sukun. Sukun ways a letter has no vowel.
  9. Teach them shaddah. That is, a letter is pronounced with more intensity and has a sign in a higher place it that looks like a pocket-size 'w.'
  10. Finally, teach them madd past telling them that y'all must lengthen the long vowel that has it more than yous lengthen information technology usually.

Learning Quranic Concepts for Children

As a kid grows, he or she must become acquainted with Quranic concepts. In fact, things such as the pillars or roots of religion must exist taught to children based on the Quran. For case, surah Ikhlas teaches monotheism to us. As a child reaches the age of puberty, nosotros must try to familiarize him or her with beneficial Quranic concepts such as monotheism, prayer , zakat, jihad, fasting , hajj, enjoining the good and forbidding evil, khums, Imamate, prophethood, the 24-hour interval of Judgment, and and then on and then forth. Equally an illustration, one can teach the importance of prayer using verses in which God orders u.s. to uphold salat and the benefits of salat. For instance, verse 45 of surah al-'Ankabūt (سورَةُ العَنکَبوت) reads:

اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ ۖ إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنكَرِ ۗ وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّـهِ أَكْبَرُ ۗ وَاللَّـهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ ﴿45﴾

Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book, and maintain the prayer. Indeed the prayer restrains from indecent and wrongful carry, and the remembrance of Allah is surely greater. And Allah knows whatever [deeds] you do.

The prayer causes u.s.a. not to commit sins, provided it is accustomed and done properly.

Learning to Recite the Quran Melodiously for Children

Another important point that must not be neglected is that just as nosotros said children are very talented and good with learning languages, they are besides talented in terms of music and learning melodious recitation of the Quran. Every bit a matter of fact, the Noble Prophet of Islam, Muhammad peace be upon him and his progeny has said:

زَيِّنُوا الْقُرْآنَ بِأَصْوَاتِكُمْ

"Adorn the Quran with your voices." 2

Equally you tin can see, the Noble Prophet did not say adorn your voices with the Quran, but rather said, beautify the Quran with your voices. This shows the importance of reciting the Quran melodiously. In another narration, the Noble Prophet said:

اقْرَءُوا الْقُرْآنَ بِأَلْحَانِ الْعَرَبِ وَ أَصْوَاتِهَا

"Recite the Quran with Arabic melodies and sounds." iii

Therefore, information technology is very much recommended to recite the Quran melodiously regardless of your age.

Teaching Quranic Melodies to Children

As I have noted, reciting the Quran melodiously is highly recommended in Islam. The way of learning these melodies is simple. In fact, i must learn them past listening to the recitations of well-known and authentic reciters who are usually from Arab republic of egypt, and try to recite similar them. In fact, what y'all practise and ask your child to do is to emulate the tune of the reciter. This is the near bones way of learning to recite the Quran melodiously. However, if one wants to teach his children to learn the melodies by name, one must entrust them to an accurate instructor who has knowledge of Arabic music and Quranic melodies.


Teaching Quran to children is not an easy task and requires experience. In fact, if i entrusts them to a qualified instructor in this field it would exist less burdensome. Nevertheless, it is possible for parents themselves to teach their children the Quran if they have the necessary cognition. For example, it is important that they starting time memorize curt surahs equally they practise non and cannot know how to read the Quran at an early historic period. Afterward that, when they get older and achieve school historic period, they can slowly learn how to read the Quran starting with the alphabet and the vowels. Moreover, when they get older, it is important that they get familiar with Quranic concepts such as monotheism and prophethood. God willing, our children volition become fond of the Quran as they grow older provided that parents provide the means for information technology.


  1. Thawāb al-A'māl wa 'Iqāb al-A'māl (ثَوابُ الاعمال و عِقابُ الاعمال), vol. ii, p. 100.
  2. Biḥār al-Anwār, vol.89, p. 190.
  3. Al-Kāfī, vol. ii, p. 614.


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