New research to evaluate quality of life measurement tool for aged care

Happy lady in aged care home

In a collaboration betwixt CarePage, Appendage Wellness Cooperative Research Centre (DHCRC) and the University of South Australia, the project will appraise the Happy Life Index, which launched in 2022 after four geezerhood of co-design with consumers, health professionals and providers.

CarePage CEO Lauren Todorovic, who is a co-creator of the Happy Life Index, explained as older people move into the stagecoach of their life where they command additive care and support, their priorities and preferences inevitably change. Many of the existing calibre of biography measurement tools do not recognise this, and are better designed for more independent individuals.

DHCRC CEO Dr Dame Ellen Terry Sweeney said the project was closely aligned with the organisation's concentrate on aged maintenance and responding to the findings of the Recent epoch Royal Commission report, confirming the individual mustiness be at the centre of reform for the sector.

"Some providers and regulators need access to selective information about what recipients of care and their families want to see," Dr Sweeney said.

The research project wish be led away Associate Professor Steven Milanese from the University of Southwestern Commonwealth of Australi, providing main validation contributive to the attest basis supporting future development, such as construction in predictive algorithms.

"Information technology is alive that when we collect feedback from consumers, we are sure-footed that the tools we are using and the questions we are interrogatory give us a honorable understanding of the situation," A/Professor Metropolis aforesaid.

"By assessing the Happy Aliveness Index responses, we can clear an understanding of how well information technology reflects the personal's perspective, which leave provide USA with a solid basis to explore how changes in the aged care sector change an individual's quality of life. We are agog by the opportunity to explore how well the Happy Sprightliness Index performs."

Ms Todorovic from CarePage added, "Through this inquiry project, we hope to continue to build the Happy Life story Index and encourage sector-wide-eyed adoption of tools to meet this unmet need."

Addressing Aged Worry Purple Commission recommendations

The recent Aged Care Crowned Commission highlighted the need to present greater weight to the voice of people receiving aged care, and the importance of consumer experience reporting.

The Administrator Summary (p 138) notes "the all but valuable feedback on the upper-class and refuge of aged maintenance comes from people receiving aged care and their families and advocates."

Recommendation 94 in the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety , endorsed channels to enable aged guardianship consumers and their families to theme their experiences of aged care and the performance of aged care providers, year-round.

The theme also highlighted the lack of digital ontogenesis to support the ingathering and reporting of data, placing an administrative burden on providers.

DHCRC's Flagship Research & Education Theater director, Sue Gordon who is Professor of Healthy Ageing at Flinders University, confirmed this new research announcement was welcomed by the sector.

"This contrive throne help flat address key recommendations of the Cured Care Swayer Commission, making a confident contribution to the tell apart base that is critical for the digital pick up of Australia's aged precaution sector," Professor Gordon said.

Providers can register their interest in participating surgery stay current with the Happy Life Index research by visiting


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